Flying Cats

In the 2006 movie ‘Snakes on a Plane’, Samuel L. Jackson is tormented by snakes released on an airplane. Snakes probably are not a big concern for most allergy sufferers traveling this holiday season, but cats on a plane could be a big problem!

Lots of people are traveling for vacations and visiting family for the holidays. In addition to all the new security regulations, allergic travelers need to be aware of the potential for flying cats. Cats or their allergens are found in nearly all airplane seats. Many travelers bring their cats in the cabin, but even those who just like to cuddle with Mittens before leaving for the airport can leave these potentially harmful allergens lying in wait on seats.

_There are a number of ways that an allergic traveler can protect his or herself:



  • Always bring any needed allergy medication on board with you. To facilitate security checks, make sure that all medicines are in labeled containers. For more information, check out this page on the TSA website.
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  • Carry a full change of clothes in a sealed plastic bag on board and then change as soon as you land.
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  • Wear an allergy protection mask such as the Respro Aero Mask or the AllergyZone N95 Filter Mask during the flight.
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  • Use an airplane air filter that plugs into the above head air nozzle such as the Plane Clean Air filter.
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_There is a debate going as to whether cats should be allowed in airplane cabins. You can check with your airline to see if they allow cats on board. If you have an opinion, let them know preferably in writing or at least email. In the mean time, take some measures to protect yourself.

_Thank you for reading! Have a great week!


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