A Better Night – Sleep Tips

Sleep is something we’re all concerned with. Do we get enough? (Probably not) How can we sleep without waking up? And, why do we sleep but still feel tired? These are just some of the questions that we all tend to ask ourselves fairly regularly. Comfort while sleeping can help to answer these questions. If you lack support or have particular health issues, getting a good night’s sleep is about as easy as finishing a Rubix Cube. Not only does the mattress you sleep on effect comfort but the way you position your body. So how do we sleep, and what can we do to get a better night’s rest?

_Most people sleep on their side with a much smaller percentages sleeping on their backs or stomachs. No matter what position we start the night in, most people change their sleeping positions an average of a dozen times each night, with some people, like myself, tossing and turning their way to a whopping 3 dozen position changes each night. Buying the right mattress that offers the right amount of support and comfort is a key first step. Having an at-home hospital bed can be a game-changer when it comes to quality of life for a senior or person with a long-term medical condition. Visit this page for a wide range of hospital beds from SonderCare.

_Specific health issues can keep us awake at night, so sleeping in positions that best alleviate the symptoms related to them can help us get a more restful night’s sleep. Some of the most common conditions that can effect sleep are back, neck, shoulder and knee pain as well as sleep apnea, and acid reflux.

_For back pain, a neutral position on your back is the general rule of thumb. With shoulder pain, sleep on the opposite side and hug a pillow to support the hurting shoulder. You can also sleep on your back with a small pillow under the troubled shoulder for support. For neck pain, side or back sleeping is key, as is using a pillow to provide proper support for the hollow of your neck. Those suffering from sleep apnea should avoid sleeping on their back. Elevating the head, sleeping on the side or stomach can sometimes eliminate sleep apnea or snoring. With acid reflux, side sleeping or elevating the shoulders, head and neck can help. Additionally, consider exploring the potential benefits of CBD at topshelfbc.cc for both sleep and pain relief.

_Most of these solutions involve pillows of one type or another. If you’re like me you sleep with a lot of pillows (the term is ‘pillow herding’). I use them under me, beside me, and between my legs, all to try to make for a more comfortable night’s sleep. FindingĀ the latest technology in hospital beds and support system is important in getting a good night’s rest, but so is using pillows to properly adjust for common health problems. No matter if you’re a side, stomach or back sleeper, knowing what works best can leave you sleeping better and feeling better throughout the day.

_Author: Kevin Gilmore

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