England to Go Smoke-Free

In 100 days, a smoke-free England will be a reality.

England's Public Health Minister Caroline Flint says:

‘On 1 July, all enclosed public places and workplaces will become smokefree, a measure supported by the majority of people in this country. The new law will protect everyone from the harm of secondhand smoke at work and in public places, and will save lives.

‘We are now entering an important period, when all businesses should start preparing for compliance. They should be removing all smoking rooms and start putting up no smoking signs. We are confident that with the support being provided by the Department of Health and by local councils, everyone should be ready in time.

‘A snapshot survey carried out by the Department shows that more than three-quarters of businesses are aware of the legislation. This is an encouraging picture, but obviously we need to ensure every business understands what actions they will need to take ahead of 1 July and has the support they need.

‘To help businesses prepare, we will be sending out guidance and no smoking signs to every business with employees in England, some 1.7 million, during April; while local councils will also be providing support and advice about smokefree law.’

A Department of Public Health Survey shows:

  • 74% of the overall population support the legislation
  • 77% of all businesses are aware of the legislation
  • 65% of the population say that the legislation will not affect how often they go to the pub, and 15% of the overall population say they will go more often
  • 75% of the overall population believe that going smokefree will have a positive effect on health

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