Are Genetically Modified Foods Behind the Increase in Food Allergies?

Genetically Modified StrawberryThe Non-Toxic Times Newsletter reports that some people in the scientific community think that the startling, inexplicable rise in food allergies in recent years can be traced to genetically modified foods.

Thirty years ago, food allergies were rare, but now they affect more than 11 million Americans. Rates of peanut allergies in the U.S. doubled between 1997 and 2002.

Genetically modified (GM) foods entered the U.S. market in 1994 without any special labeling. Now, experts estimate that 60-70% of processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients. The most common GM foods are soybeans, corn, and cotton. (Cottonseed oil is a common ingredient in many processed foods!)

GM foods contain foreign genes from different species. These foreign genes are inserted to create desirable traits for farmers and increase profits. Many GM foods, for instance, have been modified to resist a particular disease or pest.

Here are just a few pieces of evidence that GM foods may be fueling the increase in food allergies:

  • In 1999, an annual study of food allergens in the U.K. found that soy allergies had increased 50% over the previous year. This trend coincided with the first imports of GM soy from the U.S., which led scientists to strongly suspect a connection.
  • A Monsanto company study on GM Bt corn (which the company was forced to reveal through legal action) showed that rats who ate it experienced a significant increase in three types of immune system blood cells.
  • Mice fed a diet rich in GM soy had significantly lower levels of pancreatic enzymes, which are needed to break down proteins in the digestive tract. When proteins last longer in the body, they

One thought on “Are Genetically Modified Foods Behind the Increase in Food Allergies?

  1. Rosiemeow August 12, 2007 / 5:11 am

    Nah, they're killing us softly with their food, and they know it. Monsanto owns us, pure and simple. The biotech industry is one of the largest political contributors in the nation. MDs will rarely suggest food allergy testing and the insurance companies generally won't pay for it – keeping us sick is their job security, yet it is certainly tracked. You cannot purchase organic corn in ANY market including Wild Oats and Whole Foods (ask them), but the medical profession is one of the few remaining industries in the US that cannot be outsourced, so it's job security for them. Our FDA and USDA are biotech's pimps.

    Our obesity epidemic is blamed on our lifestyles. How about the pet obesity epidemic – are they watching too much tv, playing too many video games and eating too much KFC as well? Nah, it's big bucks for Monsanto and ConAgra, so our well being means nothing.

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