Tips for Managing Allergies at School

Every Sunday in USA Weekend, contributing editor Dr. Tedd Mitchell writes an article called ‘HealthSmart’. In the October 2-4 issue, he related the following beneficial tips for parents who are trying to manage allergies in school children. Here are Dr. Mitchell's tips:

  • Talk with the school staff. Provide the teacher and the school nurse with a brief written history of your child's allergies. You need to include specific information about symptoms and medications.
  • Check out the classroom environment. You can always ask that your child be seated away from possible sources for allergy triggers like chalkboards and windows.
  • Do not forget to ask about pets. Some teachers keep class pets and need to know if your child is allergic to pet dander.
  • Keep an eye on the lunch menu. Most children can bring a weekly menu home. Give school officials information about what foods could be dangerous to your child.
  • Create an action plan for treatment if an allergy attack occurs. Work with the school nurse and staff and make sure they know what medicine your child needs.
  • Provide emergency contact numbers for you, your allergist, and pediatrician.
  • Communicate with your child and make sure that older children always have their medicine or EpiPen with them.

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