If You’re Allergic to Nail Polish…

Nail polish often causes allergic reactions.If you’re allergic to nail polish, you can still have great-looking, healthy nails without using it.

Linda McCloud of beyondallergy.com writes that nail polish smells so strongly because of the phthalates, solvents, formaldehydes, fragrances, preservatives, and dyes. That’s a lot of chemicals! The odor of nail polish is intolerable for many people with nasal allergies.

Nail polish can affect the skin, too. Nail polish allergy symptoms normally include redness and itchiness around the nails, but reactions may include asthma-like symptoms.

McCloud says that no nail polish is really safe to use; since nail polish is a cosmetic, it is not screened by the FDA.

To get great-looking nails naturally, follow these simple steps:

  1. Keep your nails clean.
  2. Soak them in warm water and soap.
  3. File them once a week.
  4. Use a nail buffer to add shine and get rid of ridges.
  5. Use half of a lemon as a buffer to add extra shine.

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