Outdoor Exercise Tips for Allergy Sufferers

HealthNewsDigest.com offers the following tips for allergy sufferers who want to exercise outdoors during pollen season:

  • Inhale through your nose when you exercise. When you inhale through your nose, you warm the air (especially important for asthmatics). Cold air constricts smaller air passages, and this can mean less air, less oxygen delivered to our cells. Your nose is also lined with hair that can help to filter some of the smaller microscopic particles.
  • Avoid environmental pollutants. Pollutants like second-hand smoke, disinfectants, dust, and even aerosol sprays can make the mucus lining of your airways more permeable and inflamed. This can then worsen your allergy symptoms and/or make you more susceptible to respiratory difficulties over time and repeated exposure.
  • Eat some good fat! Cold water fish like salmon contains important omega-3 fatty acids that help inhibit the inflammatory response which is known to cause runny noses and teary eyes in response to harmless allergens.
  • Eat your fruits and veggies. Many studies suggest that antioxidants like Vitamin C and bioflavonoids help suppress the inflammatory response. Raw pineapple contains the anti-inflammatory enzyme Bromelain.

detnews.com also reports on outdoor exercise for allergy and asthma sufferers.

‘It’s good for the brain, good for the heart, it’s good for the bones and good for the soul,’ says Immunologist Henry Fishman.

Fishman suggests listening to your body; if you feel faint, cease and desist. You can wear a mask or bandanna to block allergens. Try to exercise outdoors in the early morning hours, when pollen counts are lower. These considerations are crucial, especially if you’re pursuing a core fitness certification. Wash your hands the minute you walk in the door and deposit clothes directly into the wash. Shower as soon as possible. Hypoallergenic makeup remover pads work well for removing allergens from eyelashes, where they tend to get stuck. Use a saline nasal rinse or saline spray to clear the allergens from your nostrils.

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