Pesticide Expsoure Triggers Allergies, Asthma

Risks of PesticidesThe FoxNews article, Pesticides on Playing Fields, discusses the effects of pesticides on playing fields used by children.

Because spring and summer sporting activities are often more crowded than other times of year, pesticides used on playing fields pose an even greater risk because of increased exposure. However, no amount of exposure should go unnoticed.

Exposure occurs when lawn care products are inhaled and picked up by skin, clothing, and shoes. The fact that the chemicals are applied outdoors does little to reduce their effect: ‘Chemical lawn treatments can linger for many days before the weather and sun begin to dilute their potency.’ In addition, with packed schedules, less time goes by between application of lawn care products and children's sporting events.

These chemicals are highly toxic. Remember that they are designed to kill living things like weeds, bugs, and fungus

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