Ragweed Got You Sneezing?

Although summer is winding down, school is not the only thing starting again. Weed pollen is at its peak this time of the year; ragweed pollen in particular can cause the most trouble. Rob Russ, an environmental specialist in the Forsyth County, NC, warns that weed and grass pollen tend to peak this time of year, leaving many allergy sufferers with watery eyes and sneezing. Dry and windy days tend to stir up ragweed, marsh elder, and mugwort, all of which can trigger allergic reactions. Although frequent rainfall helps wash the pollen away, ragweed has been detected hundreds of miles offshore and up to two miles high in the atmosphere. News-Record.com also warns that most people are allergic to more than just one allergen. Those who are sensitive to ragweed may also be sensitive to cantaloupe and bananas, and may cause a cumulative effect. Read our article ‘Preparing for Ragweed Season’ to gain more information on this plaguing problem for allergy sufferers.

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