Stop Sinus Problems Before They Start

Stop sinus problems before they start with these simple tips.

Winter weather is in full swing and so are the colds and flus the season brings with it. Though everyone is susceptible, allergy and and asthma sufferers are particularly prone to developing sinus problems when battling cold, dry weather conditions and the sicknesses that may occur.

Here are some ways to avoid sinus problems this season:

  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids especially water and eat lots of soup.
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  • Use a neti pot or SinuPulse Elite to flush sinuses. Whether you are sick or not, using a nasal irrigation system will keep your sinuses clear of allergens and excess mucus, helping to stave off irritation or blockages.
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  • Avoid getting sick. Mucus production from a cold or the flu can easily block sinuses, causing sinus pressure and pain, or even infection. To keep from getting sick, make sure to wash hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, especially when in public. Stay away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
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  • Use a humidifier, especially in the bedroom. Keeping sinuses hydrated with a humidifier, particularly while you sleep, keeps sinuses properly moist and keeps nasal congestion from drying out and creating blockages in the nasal passages, which can lead to sinus issues.

_Anyone who's experienced them can tell you how unpleasant it is to have sinus problems. Stop them before they start this season and breathe better all winter long.

For more information, visit our Sinus Problems FAQ.

One thought on “Stop Sinus Problems Before They Start

  1. OberlinDogSitter February 4, 2010 / 11:49 am

    I did not like using the neti pot but I found something easier and cleaner called Navage. It is amazing. I have not had a sinus infection since I started using it and that has been 7 months.

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