Top Three Spring and Summer Allergy Relief Products

The worst of spring allergies, at least here in Atlanta, is waning, along with the decrease in the yellow river of pollen we endure every year. But with summer coming up, now is a good time to prepare for the allergens that propagate during the warm weather months. Here are my three top picks for summer allergy relief:

  • Dehumidifiers are essential for allergy sufferers to use during summer months. They not only help the air in your home feel cooler and cut down on cooling costs, but they also help reduce dust mite allergen and mold spores. Choose from our robust selection of quality dehumidifiers.
  • Air purifiers are one of the number one allergy relief products that allergy sufferers should have, year round. They decrease total allergen load, and provide allergy sufferers with pure, clean, allergy-free air by cleaning the air of dust mite allergen, pet dander, mold spores, pollen, and odors and chemical fumes that trigger allergy attacks. Air purifiers are frequently among the first items recommended by allergists implementing an allergy avoidance regimen for their patients.
  • Mattress covers, also year-round essentials, are important to use during summer months. Dust mites thrive in bedding, and increased moisture due to summer humidity makes dust mites especially prolific. Allergy relief bedding keeps dust mites cut off from their food source, and most importantly, out of your breathing zone so you can breathe easy.

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