Teaching Teachers About Asthma

Bubbles Nebulizer MaskIn Wales (United Kingdom), three children in every class have asthma, according to icwales.

Wales has one of the highest asthma rates in the world with one in 10 children suffering from the disease.

An asthma charity launched a training program at a primary school to ensure that every teacher knows about asthma.

Catrin Shorney, spokesperson for the charity Asthma UK Cymru, says, ‘It will ensure teachers know what to do if a child they are looking after has an asthma attack – and could help save lives.

‘The training will also reassure the parents of children with asthma that they are in the safest possible hands and we are planning further training sessions for teachers across Wales.

‘We would like to take training into all schools. We want every school to have a policy on asthma and every teacher to be aware of asthma and its implications.’

The two-hour training will be taught by an asthma specialist nurse and will show teachers how to recognize and manage asthma attacks, including information on the use of medicines and inhalers.

One mother says her son Gwyl would have had a much better experience in school if his teachers had been trained to deal with asthma: ‘Gwyl

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