Yellow Tipped Flames and Your Health

My husband and I have been talking to our custom home builders, and it seems we will soon have to make a decision about whether we prefer a gas range or an electric range in our new home. An almost offhand remark made by our builder cinched my decision, however. He mentioned that gas ranges produce more ‘combustible material.’ This of course affects indoor air quality.

Since our home will be certified green, it is incredibly tightly sealed. This is great for conserving energy and keeping heating and cooling costs low and the though of getting a boiler installation immediately started sounding like a good idea since it runs on natural gas. It is worth noting however, that a tightly sealed home also means that any indoor air pollution has that much greater of an effect on the home’s inhabitants, which is why contacting boiler repair professionals to keep a close eye on it and perform regular maintenance to ensure it runs properly is a must.

Regardless of how tightly your home is sealed, however, it’s important to be aware of combustion sources in the home because combustion pollutes indoor air and can even pose a deadly hazard, as in the case of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Below are some recommendations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Reducing Exposure to Combustion Products in the Home:

  • Be extra careful when using unvented, fuel-burning space heaters. Avoid these kinds of heaters if possible. If you must use them, open a door from the room where the heater is being used, and crack a window as well. Follow manufacturer’s directions carefully, especially regarding fuel and adjustment. A persistently yellow-tipped flame indicates improper adjustment and increased pollutant emissions.
  • Make sure gas ranges have exhaust fans over them

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