Protecting Your Mattress Investment

Purchasing a new bed is something where you can spend as much or as little as you like.

Bedbugs’ Inbreeding Leads to Fast Infestations

You're probably aware of the resurgence in bedbugs that has plagued apartment buildings, hotels, and homes throughout the country, regardless of social class. Bedbugs are notoriously easy to get, and infestations happen quickly and pervasively, often filling entire apartment complexes…

Chemicals in Baby Crib Mattresses

It wouldn't be that shocking if you discovered the couch you're sitting on was manufactured with 'suspect chemicals'. Sure, formaldehyde and flame retardants are common carcinogens we have grown to reluctantly accept into our homes as the trade-off for inexpensive,…

Top Three Spring and Summer Allergy Relief Products

The worst of spring allergies, at least here in Atlanta, is waning, along with the decrease in the yellow river of pollen we endure every year. But with summer coming up, now is a good time to prepare for the…