Pet Allergies and Hives

For those who suffer from pet allergies, the most common type of reaction is a respiratory one. Sneezing, wheezing, congestion, and puffy eyes are often symptoms of pet allergies. There are also skin reactions that can accompany pet allergies. These can include itching, redness, and hives. Both HEPA air purifiers and HEPA vacuum cleaners can play a significant role in helping reduce pet allergens inside your home. As puzzling as allergies and their reactions can often be, some people may exhibit one type of reaction without necessarily exhibiting both. Are pet allergies and hives linked?

For respiratory symptoms, the first step is to get away from the allergen. Once you remove yourself from the situation, an over the counter antihistamine generally provides quick relief. These help to relief coughing, sneezing, congestion, watery eyes, etc. For those who may be at risk of an asthma attack due to pet allergies, rescue inhalers are a vital tool that can open airways and provide relief.

Hives caused by pet dander can create a slightly different set of circumstances. Hives are the byproduct of histamine which causes small amounts of the blood’s plasma to leak into the skin. This is why you often see raised, red bumps or many that merge together to form patches or ‘plaques’. Hives itch and burn, and can last anywhere from a few minutes to days.

Hives from cats and dogs can be treated with several types of products. And, as with other allergic reactions, remove the trigger first. Before you buy something from your local pharmacy, try cooling the area first with a cool compress or even ice. Avoid tight-fitting clothing and the use of hot water or harsh soaps on the affected area. In terms of over the counter medications, antihistamines will help some, but have the greatest benefit when used very shortly after or prior to exposure (to help prevent hives). Other types of anti-itch lotions and an itch cream for dogs can prevent scratching. Topical analgesics or steroid creams can also help by reducing swelling, pain, and itching from hives. In severe instances, a shot of epinephrine can be administered.

Related to hives is angioedema. Angioedema is similar to hives with the biggest difference being that the swelling occurs beneath the skin instead of as raised welts and that the swelling is often localized around the eyes, mouth, hands or feet. Angioedema is most often associated with food allergies, but can be brought about by many types of allergens. Treatment of angioedema is the same as hives – remove the allergen, treat the symptom and if severe, visit the doctor.

For reactions caused by pets or pet dander, avoidance is key. If finding a new home for your favorite pet isn’t an option (lets face it, who wants to do that!), there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the hives from dog dander that you come in contact with. For removing dander from the air you can use a sealed, HEPA air purifier, and a quality HEPA vacuum cleaner. Both can remove dander that can be in the air, on furniture, and throughout your home. Limit areas of the home where pets can roam. Ideally, this means you keep your pet out of your bedroom and off of your bed.

When it comes to caring for your pet, regular and frequent brushing can remove excess hair that often holds dander. By using an anti-allergen pet shampoo with more frequent baths, you can remove dander from your pet’s coat.

For me personally, I have no reaction to my dog unless he snuggles up against me. I bathe him with the pet shampoo by Ecology works and frequently dust and sweep (hard flooring only in my home). I also limit the areas of the house available to him by keeping my bedroom door closed. Occasionally I do let him sleep on my leather couch with me, though I throw a BedCare mattress cover over the couch and my blanket to create a barrier between his hair and dander. So while there are many options, even a few simple steps such as these can reduce pet dander hives and limit both respiratory reactions and skin conditions.

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