Introducing the Dyson DC28 Animal

Dyson DC28 Animal

The new Dyson DC28 Animal is the perfect HEPA vacuum cleaner for an allergy sufferer or pet owner that needs maximum cleaning power in their home. This vacuum is recommended for a large home or apartment with wall-to-wall carpeting; however, with Dyson's new design this vacuum is also well-suited for smooth floor cleaning. This patented design allows the brush roll to lower while pushing the cleaning head into the carpet to give you a deep clean. On smooth floors, this ensures a tighter seal on the flooring you are vacuuming. With push button control, you easily can set the DC28 to clean high, medium, low pile carpeting, or smooth flooring. The new Airmuscle technology increases the suction power without increasing the weight of the head of the vacuum.

_The Dyson DC28 Animal with Airmuscle technology uses three Dyson engineered components. The pneumatic actuator to control the cleaning head is explained above. The second piece is a powered cam that ensures the vacuum head remains at the optimal level for cleaning different heights of carpet. The brush roll will adjust up and down to match the pile of carpet you are cleaning. The last component is a high torque clutch. This works to maintain a constant speed of brush roll, while deep cleaning even the densest of carpets. These three new additions work together to make the DC28 Animal one of Dyson's best all around vacuum cleaners.



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