Combat Allergens With HVAC Maintanence

maintaining your HVAC system
As temperatures begin to drop and the air conditioning is turned off, it’s the perfect time to make sure your air conditioning installation is in good condition. A neglected system will not only function ineffectively, but it can also introduce allergens into the air: pollen, dust, pest waste, and other contaminants can settle in your unused heating system during the summer months and then be circulated throughout your home when you finally crank up the heat. However, a well-maintained HVAC system will not only operate at its full capacity – saving you heating costs – but will even help reduce allergen concentrations in the home. As fall approaches, make sure to hire a heating service contractor to clean and service your heating system; professional hvac services like the HVAC experts in Springfield can help you maintain a clean hvac system. Here are several measures you can take to ensure that your HVAC system is working together with you to reduce your exposure to allergens.

Have Your Ducts Cleaned to Eliminate Hidden Allergens

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states, if not properly installed, maintained, and if any needed air conditioning repair is postponed for too long, HVAC components may become contaminated with particles of dust, pollen or other debris. If moisture is present, the potential for microbiological growth (e.g., mold) is increased and spores from such growth may be released into the home’s living space. Some of these contaminants may cause allergic reactions or other symptoms in people if they are exposed to them. Make sure to hire Lynchburg air conditioning service to keep your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer months.

The EPA goes on to state the importance of having your duct system professionally examined. While they do not recommend routine duct cleaning without evidence of accumulated debris, there are some circumstances that indicate you should consider having your ducts serviced. These include:

  • Substantial visible mold growth inside hard surface ducts or other components of your system. Wet or moldy insulation on insulated air ducts cannot be effectively cleaned and should be replaced, with the help of services like this. Note that not everything that looks like mold is necessarily mold and you may need to have samples professionally evaluated at a laboratory. Also, make sure to correct conditions that caused mold growth in the first place; otherwise, the problem will recur.
  • Pests living inside ducts. Insects living inside air ducts can deposit unhealthy debris that may circulate throughout your system.
  • Ducts clogged with excessive dust or debris that is released into the home through supply registers.

Replace Furnace Filters Regularly

Remove the old filter See how dirty the old filter is? Replace the panel, and you're done!

A dirty furnace filter poses several problems: it will prevent your heating system from running effectively, thereby raising heating costs; it will cause your system to be less effective in achieving and maintaining your desired temperature; it will prohibit the capturing of particulate debris and allergens that the filters are supposed to provide.

3M filtrete Furnace Filters SafeHome Furnace Filters Replace the panel, and you're done!

With normal use, furnace filters should be replaced at least every three months. Keep in mind, however, that in conditions where indoor air quality may be particularly compromised, such as during pollen season, during a remodeling of a home, or if there is a smoker living in the house, filters may need to be replaced more frequently. We offer several kinds of furnace filters that are specifically selected for allergy sufferers. Filtrete’s line of filters, with their superior performance ratings, offers excellent protection from indoor allergens. Choose from Filtrete’s most economical filter, theMicro Allergen Furnace Filter, the Ultra Allergen Reduction Furnace Filter, or the most effective Advanced Allergen Furnace Filter.

SafeHome Furnace Filters, available as either the SafeHome Duo Furnace Filter or theSafeHome System Air Return Filter, perform double duty: they not only capture particles such as dust mite allergen and pollen, but they also absorb harmful chemicals, such as VOCs and formaldehyde, that exacerbate symptoms in chemically sensitive individuals.

Another cost-effective and system-enhancing furnace filter option is to use a permanent filter such as Newtron’s Contractor’s Choice Permanent Filter or the Newtron Original Permanent Air Filter. Both these filters help to maintain even temperatures throughout the home, enable faster heating and cooling, and prolong the life of your HVAC system. Furthermore, they capture 96% of allergen particles before they circulate through your home.

For additional information, see our Furnace Filter Buying Guide.

Supplement a Clean Indoor Air Routine with Vent and Window Filters

Web vent filters
fit easily into your web vents and provide additional protection against dust and other particles that could make their way into your home. Self- charging electrostatic material traps allergens, acting like a last line of defense before offending material makes its way into your indoor air.

window filter protects against pollen and other pollutants that enter your home when you open the windows. This is an especially important step in fall, when ragweed pollen is prevalent.

Taking the time to maintain your home’s HVAC system with the help of an ac repair technician, especially when it comes to the proper use and replacement of filters, goes a long way in protecting your family from preventable allergy attacks.